It was an archaic time in history when PUBLIC BATHS/BATHTUBS/RIVER
BATHING were a norm.
A time wherein electricity was not yet available in each home to
facilitate pumping of water from ground level using a electric motor
to an overhead tank and then by virture of the force of potential
energy and gravity, water would then easily flow down to all the taps
inside the house.
The concept of public baths where large number of people get into the
same body of water(which is essentially not a flowing body of water
like a river) is FROM A TIME in history WHERE there was no indoor
plumbing technology or there was no running water either.Personally, i
think the PUBLIC BATH system, is VERY UNHYGENIC.
And not to mention, COMPLETE BREACH OF PRIVACY.No matter how hot the
water in a public bath is, would you still knowingly go sit in hot
water with SHIT intermixed? or vaginal and testicular secretions
They tout the public bath as A communal experience and such.(some
touristy gimmickery that)
BUT SEE, we rather NOT HAVE SUCH communal experiences..We better, take
clean baths in the privacy of our own bathrooms and THEN,go have a
COMMUNAL PARTY to have that communal experience.No need to share filth
and GENITALIA GERMS in the process of a "communal"bath!
The concept of People taking bath on the river shore or stream shore
is touted as yet another communal experience but is a far cleaner
experience compared to a public bath because THE WATER IS continually
flowing away, so a new batch of fresh water is constantly at your
disposal at a given point on the river shore.
So, RIVER BATHING is better than a PUBLIC BATH system(which to my
horror is still prevelant in japan and middle east hamams-FILTHY! and
Again a little more about a RIVER BATH to discuss the
If you are using detergants or modern soaps on a river shore ,YOU ARE
POLLUTING a fresh water source .The filthy water flows down to other
cities and places down the flow route of the river.
Stop using soaps and detergants on a river or stream bank.
I was horrified to watch so many people scrubbing themselves with soap
before taking A dip in their holy river(which alas is so filled with
human filth,it is not really that "holy" anymore!
Again, A BATHTUB also is from a time in history where there was no
indoor plumbing or running water and if you had to clean your whole
body, you would have to fill up a bathtub with water, sit in it and
clean it in however fashion the best you can.
I am Suddenly reminded of those classic english novels about COAL
WORKERS, who would come home all covered in coal dust and filth and
their wives would fill up a bathtub for them..hmmmmm.sigh.
But a bathtub method is very flithy, given that you are soaking in
your own filth water with your own secretions(sweat and others) that
you just scrubbed off, the skin flakes and the dirt.
Surely the most inefficient and filthy method of cleaning yourself.
Also about the sitting position in a bathtub,
In a bathtub, you are sitting down, causing the vagina(if are
genotypically female) to be horizontally oriented and the vaginal
opening directly in the water, allowing filthy water to enter it.Also,
the male urinary passage opening also ends up in a semi horizontal
position immersed in the filthy water with the same results.
Say hello to yeast infections and URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS,if you are
soaking in a bathtub .I AM A PHYSICIAN and I beg you to stop having
those filthy bathtub soaks..downright filthy!
When you are standing up and taking a shower, the vaginal or urinary
openings are directed downwards with the water flowing from above,
leaving little chance for filthy water to forcibly enter these
openings.result is lesser chances of infections.
Going back and SPEAKING OF a time with no running water inside houses,
Yes, there were other CLEANER alternatives to a bathtub, even when
indoor plumbing or running water was NOT available.
And ,this was to just TAKE A STANDING BATH OR SHOWER.
This method of bathing was much prevelant in the indian subcontinent
prior to electricity.
Each home would have a deep water or shallow water well, and they
would draw out water using a pulley system with buckets.They would
then heat this water over wooden fire copper boilers(copper being such
a great conductor of heat)
They then would bring in buckets of hot/warm water into a bathroom a
room with a gutter system on the floor that lets out filthy water to
the garden(great way to recycle water too given that they used organic
cleaning products to bathe rather than chemical soap back then)
They would then use a mug or jug to lift out and pour water on
themself to make the body or hair wet first, then scrub with soap or
cleaning agents, then use the next few jugs of CLEAN water to wash
that soapy scum off their body.
This method is easily adaptable to a modern bathroom, where we
colllect hotwater in buckets and then proceed to take a standing bath.
This method of a STANDING BATH, is far more CLEANER AND FRESHER and
conserves much much more water than SOAKING IN YOUR OWN FILTH IN A
BATH TUB and also uses just two to three buckets of water, unlike a
SHOWER HEAD shower that continues to waste water the whole time you
are in the bathroom even when you don't need water on your body
especially when you are scrubbing with soap or shampoo.
And the question that BEGS TO BE ASKED ! Why am I writing a long blog
I am writing this blog entry primarily because, even to this day, in
the US, SOAKING IN A BATH TUB is marketed as some great exercise of
unwinding.The bathtub is too romanticized and the whole industry of
bath salts that eggs all women to SOAK IN THEIR OWN FILTH with salts
is DOWNRIGHT REVOLTING.And to give bath salts to a woman for women's
day or mothers day or valentines day is ridiculously funny to me.
As a female physician, who knows her As and Bs I just had to intervene
and present the truth to everyone.
As far as chemistry is concerned, PEOPLE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT salts
DO NOT have a capacity to REMOVE DIRT...
ONLY SOAPS have the capacity to CHEMICALLY surround dirt and remove
it from the body.
So the whole concept of BATH SALTS doing wonders is just IN ONE BIG
aND LADIES, please stop soaking in your own filth?
Go take a good STANDING BATH instead...then sit down to music and
books TO UNWIND.K?