How I did it: All adults need atleast a gallon or approx 4 L of water each day to flush out all toxins from the body. I feel the most productive and active when my urine is clear and non smelly. I accomplished this by filling out three 1L bottles and keep them in places where i am mostly likely to sit for long periods of time. that way i have a bottle nearby as and when i feel thirsty. I would also make sure i fill up bottles and take them along when i go out . I don't buy water bottles outside coz i don't like participating in using more and more plastic bottles to just store and sell water. We all get perfectly drinkable tap water at home..If suspicious, get your tap water tested for contaminants.i usually boil up tap water , cool and then fill up clean water bottles(empty gatorade bottles) and then take them along wherever i go.
Lessons & tips: If your urine is yellow or it is smelly, it essentially means that you are not driniking enough water. Avoid processed foods coz they contain preservatives and colors and ingredients that need more water to get excreted. Sometimes the body can mistake thirst for hunger.If you feel like you are constantly getting hungry, try driking water first and then see if you are still hungry. Carry a bottle of water around..Used recycled water containers rather than buying a fresh plastic bottle each time.
Resources: Buy three 1 L capacity gatorade bottles, Either drink the gatorade up or discard the juice. Then nicely clean up the bottles , Keep them ready each day to fill up with water. Buy a large water boiler if you think your tap water is contaminated.
It took me 10 days.
It made me hydrated