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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tips for desert camping-February 2008-LETTERS TO MR.U

Tips for desert camping-February 2008-LETTERS TO MR.U


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Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.





I am starting to think that i like you very much--which explains why i am going so far as trying to mail you a survivor's guide in the desert...The doctor in me just had to say this..LOL


--Bugs--Adequate bug protection


--Large stocks of pure water or water into which you dissolve salt and sugar yourself-Bananas and oranges can make sure you get back your lost potassium and sodium aka the electrolytes-(the last thing you want to drink is gat ora de or other drinks loaded with preservatives, artificial colors, citric acid etc etc---)


-Yet again bananas are good...Eat well.Some fresh tomatoes and somegood pasta would do the trick too .Cucumber and tomato and cold pasta salad perhaps?

adequate clothing that covers as much of your body as possible

--That helps prevents sunburn and its carcinogenic effects..Sunscreens are great--but then, long sleeved and full length pants can easily be the best or in this case the better option for protection from the sun.With your kind of skin.. please stop worrying about trying to tan it and start worrying about protecting it from the sun .


The desert is teeming with snakes.. kraits..and they crawl up your vehicle hmmmmmm...I have no tips in this dept..but i am worried about the snakes...please be careful..

yeah btw..don't forget to take a lot of books with you ...please do so ..and yeah your camera too ....



MY 2012 POSTNOTE for the blog!!!

The thing is, I wrote this email to him in 2008, and quite forgot that i even wrote it..Funnily, in 2012, he is focused on nutrution,water,bug protection and a camera, just like i adviced, even outside the desert..LOL..sadly, we are both in places that are far , far away from each,anyways,atleast, my advice stays close to his heart.that's good enough :)))

Also,sometime from 2010 to 2012, he also finally started COOKING his own meals and well, the "full sleeved shirt" shirt advice is also being followed TOO.




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Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.





You have changed so much as a person in the past years

..Not that i ever knew you personally in the past... but well..whatever little i thought i knew which i could relate to ... all that is slowly going away...You are changing ..changing ....changing ... and it has been rapid..Change is a good thing... i understand that ...change is inevitable ...i understand that too...Change is a sign of personal growth too...but then..but can sometimes be altering in a retrogressive way....

It is not "becoming" of your true spirit to change this way ...really!!!

Awwww...MAYBE I AM WARPED IN MY HEAD TO WRITE ALL KINDSA CRAPPY STUFF IN A EMAIL AND MAIL IT TO SOMEONE..WHO IF HE HAD READ THIS SAME LETTER TWO YEARS AGO WOULD NOT REACT THE SAME WAY HE WOULD NOW..and i think that at this point of time..given the fact that you have changed the way you have changed..i might even suspect that you might laugh at this heartfelt piece of communication.hmmm

Don't change....Please!!!Please?



MY 2012 POSTNOTE for the blog!!!

I KEPT emailing him each time i felt that he was changed and he would have a comeback for me with "no, I am not changed.I am just the just LOOKS LIKE I AM CHANGED, but i am NOT"

SPEAKING OF CHANGE, i think we all change, he has changed, i have changed and at the end of the changes if we end up being very different people then we go our different ways and pretend like we never were similar ever..end of story,no?surely.

Change is good, but IT MUST BE FOR THE BETTER...not some retrogressive metamorphesis.

About sexy haircuts,pausch,debakey,my blogs and a city-July 2008-LETTERS TO MR.U

About sexy haircuts,pausch,debakey,my blogs and a city-July 2008-LETTERS TO MR.U


please note: that publishing someone else's emails,letters,journals,personal pics,videos WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION is a LEGAL OFFENCE...( even if just on blogs or even if it is just redistribution to third parties via email, facebook and other such social media), (even if the aforementioned materials were shared with you by the writer or actual owner themselves).Please take WRITTEN PERMISSION from all parties involved prior to publishing such content.

Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.






I absolutely dig the new haircut.Infact i wrote a blog entry about it coz as it was just too much of a turn on for me to let it go by without mention.

I hear that you dedicated xxxxx to Late Randy Pausch...That was very thoughtful.

I was actually going to mail you to ask if you could mention him in your blog someway.It was great to know that you had already dedicated axxxxxxxxx to him by the time i decided to mail you about it.Nice to know someone does things without being asked for.

hmmmmmmm.Speaking of my fav people passing away.Dr.Debakey, passed away at the age of 90 plus in houston.I was anticipating meeting him up in nov in houston..Too bad he passed away before i could..Sad..dotcha think.Michael De Bakey was a pioneer cardiologist and surgeons always inspire me.

BTw,this might seem out of context, but I just have no idea who else to say this to ..but I miss xxxxxx city so so so so so so much.

Seriously.I love xxxx city..I desperately wish i could go back and live there forever.There is something in the air there.Awwwww,I so badly want to go and hug the xxxxxxxxxxx


Take care and keep the inquisitive spirit going.




My blogs at blogspot

An antidote to anger

The ultimate Vegetarian cookblog

poetry and poise and a little bit of prose too

The Ecology blog-Healthier lifestyle choices

The Not so daily ramble blog

hugs and talk to you later



MY 2012 POSTNOTE for the blog!!!

Actually,I wrote a blog entry about PAUSCH in my blog back then , and after that he dedicated something to pausch and then i WROTE HIM this email after he had already dedicated something to him.

if you go see my blogs from then, you will spot the PAUSCH AND BAKEY BLOGS Which date prior to this email that i wrote him.

funny, how blogs and emails kinda JOURNAL our thoughts and life in such a cute, it is cute how i call him as "someone who does things before being asked to do" He can be thoughtful like that on so many occasions..:))) INADVERTANTLY OFCOURSE

ABOUT NEEDING A HUG-MY "head on the shoulder" FETISH-February 2008-LETTERS TO MR.U

ABOUT NEEDING A HUG-MY "head on the shoulder" FETISH-February 2008-LETTERS TO MR.U


please note: that publishing someone else's emails,letters,journals,personal pics,videos WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION is a LEGAL OFFENCE...( even if just on blogs or even if it is just redistribution to third parties via email, facebook and other such social media), (even if the aforementioned materials were shared with you by the writer or actual owner themselves).Please take WRITTEN PERMISSION from all parties involved prior to publishing such content.

Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.





the saddest part is i need a hug..I needed a hug yesterday too...I have been needing a tight hug for the past three days...I have been wanting to lay my head on the shoulder of this tall lanky guy with this sturdy shoulder hiding under that grey tshirt..i want to lay my head there on that shoulder and perhaps shed a silent tear which wets that grey t shirt(funny why this fantasy of mine always involves a grey t shirt--I never happen to visually fantasize the face of anyone ...i just visualize this shoulder---this torso wearing a xxxx grey tshirt and me laying my head there and silently shedding a tear...and nestling here in the left supraclavicular region of this grey t shirted torso)



MY 2012 POSTNOTE for the blog!!!

It was quite UNNERVING to read this email that i wrote to MR.U..coz , after mr.u, there was one TO WHOM i used to write emails and FUNNILY, in letters to MR.GREEN too, I mention the same need to lay my head on his shoulder...

SO,now,So I HAVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT I HAVE A "head on the shoulder" fetish..I like laying my head on the shoulder of the guy I AM EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO...

frankly , after reading this email, I AM QUITE EMBARASSED..I thought that this "head on the shoulder" syndrome was something very unique that me and had,

but, apparently NOT...i seem to have had the same fetish prior to with mr.u AS WELL...hmmmm..also, i have written similar letters to asking for an email hug...hmmm.

so , essentially, when i get emotionally needy,

a/i like hugs

b/i like to lay my head on the guy's shoulder.

c/it also appears that i like shedding tears on the shirts of the guy i am with(geez..what the fuck!)

Also, if you have read my other blog entries under the LETTERS TO MR.U series, you will know that i also call mr.u as MR.GREY...due to the GREY TSHIRT fetish i guess.geezus...seriously.

i am the FETISH QUEEN now..seriously embarassed ,coz,it doesn't matter who the guy is..I JUST LIKE PUTTING MY HEAD ON SOMEONE'S SHOULDER AND CRYING ..geezus...

About CIGARS AND WHISKY, me being a hug addict,and pep talk-August 2008-LETTERS TO MR.U

About CIGARS AND WHISKY, me being a hug addict,and pep talk-August 2008-LETTERS TO MR.U


please note: that publishing someone else's emails,letters,journals,personal pics,videos WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION is a LEGAL OFFENCE...( even if just on blogs or even if it is just redistribution to third parties via email, facebook and other such social media), (even if the aforementioned materials were shared with you by the writer or actual owner themselves).Please take WRITTEN PERMISSION from all parties involved prior to publishing such content.

Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.





I am not drunk(I don't drink) and yet, I am happily rambling away in an email to a person xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sigh..I think i am sleepy too ..


BTw..speaking of drunk...

A single whisky each day still qualifies you as someone dependant on alchohol.

I would really appreciate if you seriously consider quitting drinking and smoking this way

..It just won't do you good at all , smoking away stupid cigars in hot tubs with women you are not personally related to and drinking a whisky each night just to unwind.Whisky is hard liquor and the fact that you look at it as a way of unwinding , indicates addicitive tendencies..

Sweetie, You don't want alchohol and nicotine.You don't need them.

Can you go back to your 19 yr old self who knew the problems of addiction and was this sober lil sweetie.

Meanwhile. Ofcourse, I need a hug..I need a hug each morning and hug every night.I need someone beside me who i can hug when i wake in the night sweating out at how i wasted the past fifteen years..Thank god i managed to become a doc..Otherwise that would have been a lifelong regret...Thank no,, I don't believe in god..but i do use that phrase a lot..LOL

hugs to you..

I need hugs back.

I am Le Cinq blog on blogger now...I am not blogging AT XXXXXX anymore.k?

love ,

btw..Can you give me back some pep talk..I so need it .I so so need some hugs and tons of pep talk.Ya know.




MY 2012 POSTNOTE for the blog!!

I JUST read this email and i am like, our emails are like back and forth conversations and there is a certain amount of comfort level that comes from being of a similar personality and being like buddies ...anyways.

I AM SUCH A HUG ADDICT, NO? i mean, i have written similar letters to MR.GREEN too asking for hugs..

so , essentially, my COMMON theme in emotional letters is, WANTING TO PLACE MY HEAD ON HIS SHOULDER and me wanting hugs and me wanting PEP talks and btw..I ONLY ask the men whom I am sure CAN DELIVER ..





please note: that publishing someone else's emails,letters,journals,personal pics,videos WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION is a LEGAL OFFENCE...( even if just on blogs or even if it is just redistribution to third parties via email, facebook and other such social media), (even if the aforementioned materials were shared with you by the writer or actual owner themselves).Please take WRITTEN PERMISSION from all parties involved prior to publishing such content.

Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.





A hat is better than those ridiculous looking large shady glasses that you seem to sport these days....those glasses make you look like yet another empty headed pretty boy from holly land...and you are far from are smart, intelligent, unique and filled with life and love...don't change sweety..don't change for the silly little fools in xxxxxxxx

much love and many hugs from me



MY 2012 POSTNOTE for the blog!!!


I QUITE FORGOT ABOUT MY "HAT" ADVICE within months of me emailing him.

fUNNILY,NOW IN 2012,HE IS WALKING AROUND WEARING A HAT AND NO GOGGLES(just like I asked him to),BUT,NOW, ME MYSELF FIND IT so funny and so phony, and even more "hollyland-western movie" gimmicky.The HAT advice was for another occasion,another year,not now, in the city.geee!

DUDE,i told you to wear a hat in the desert , not in NYC OR seriously, this hat thing is NOT funny!

ya know what, on top of that he gets angry with questions like "what is with the hat?"

I am like, "a hat is practical if you are walking in the desert in serious sunlight, not in the city pollution.This hat wearing is causing scalp sweating,stinking and oily scalp problems too."

anyways,he is bent upon wearing the same clothes over and over, and the hat too..he has his phases.what can I do.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Electronic book readers are NOT that environmentally friendly after all!

Electronic book readers are touted as better than paper books,but,
and they get HOT during the reading session !
BLAH! ...........
 I end up getting dehydrated when I use an e book reader
 and  well, at least when I read a paper book,
 I can read it in any position too
 and a paper book doesn't break when I drop it 
and also,
for a given amount of tree cutting, the same paper book can be RE-read OVER AND OVER by many folks,
Whereas , each single time an ebook reader is used to read a book,each single time, it will use NEW AMOUNT of electricity, which possibly comes from coal or other NON RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY SOURCE...and that defeats the purpose as a whole
Who wins?
The only advantage an E BOOK has is that IT IS NOT BULKY..other than that, paper books are way better

Thursday, November 15, 2012

70 cents

When Billie Holiday finally died of Liver cirrhosis stemming from
excessive drinking , she apparently had just 70 cents in her
savings...How sad..very very sad
Lady day was a talented woman...surely...dying at 44 is not a done deal..:((

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A doctor's panic-wridden differential-diagnosis of self ? A story in pictures ! Understanding how my patients feel when sick.

These tweets were made originally on Sep 15,2009 by me on twitter.
I had previously written a blog entry about this same thing on my
RAMBLE BLOG within a week of the panic diagnosis.
Go here
to read the original blog entry titled
"When I attempt to make a Differential Diagnosis during a panic attack
" written on Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Being Held from behind

I am a woman with a tall strong but slender body.
While I work away at something I am busy with,
I like being held from behind.
Gently held,
with a broad chest to rest my back on ,
a strong shoulder to rest my head on,
strong arms around me and
a caress on the cheek.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My latest "Blog Description" on My "The Ecology and Health Blog"

As of October 2012, I have Updated My blog description.Figured I must post a copy of the latest "Blog Description"(which BTW you can find at the top of all of my Blog pages) here on the blog as a separate blog entry
Here goes:
"Ecology and Health principles simplified for Beginners.

Ecology,Health,Sexual Health,Environment,Living in Harmony with Nature and Other living beings,Conservation,Tips to save energy,Discussions on Environmental pollution and other issues,Farming,Gardening,Everything Nature related.Read on !"

Saturday, September 29, 2012

LETTERS TO MR.U-About Paucity of words, LAUGHABLE MAIL ,Alcohol and Self preservation-FEB 2008

LETTERS TO MR.U-About Paucity of words, LAUGHABLE MAIL ,Alcohol and Self preservation-FEB 2008


please note: that publishing someone else's emails,letters,journals,personal pics,videos WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION is a LEGAL OFFENCE...( even if just on blogs or even if it is just redistribution to third parties via email, facebook and other such social media), (even if the aforementioned materials were shared with you by the writer or actual owner themselves).Please take WRITTEN PERMISSION from all parties involved prior to publishing such content.

Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.





yeah..what is with this alchohol drinking?

i was on my flight to frankfurt the day before ..k? For a moment, amongst all that stress in my head.. i almost was gonna ask the flight attendant for some cognac..LOL...I MEAN..I HAVE NEVER HAD ALCHOHOL ALL MY LIFE TILL NOW...EXCEPT THE CHAMPAGNE ICECREAMS AND THE RUM BALLS--and I AM 29....IT WAS A conscious decision that i stuck by till now and i hope to in the future too..So ..when i heard somewhere that you never drink ..i was like... "WOW..there perhaps is some way that there can be more than one person with the same set of traits ...well.. ofcourse..not all of our traits are the same...but many are... gosh...I suck at writing mail....gosh..gosh..I sure am making a fool of myself...I have no foking idea why i am writing a mail this way.. a mail which you might never read or will perhaps read and laugh at..NOT THAT THIS MAIL IS LAUGHABLE...but unfortunately i feel that you have changed for the worst.....which makes you that much less special...that much less special to me..where i feel that you won't' understand what i write ..anymore


Alchohol and dope is no good... gosh... please.... don''t change...please?




about Mr.U's Alcohol habit..

This man never drank alcohol, a total tee-totaller at one point of time....

But,now, the man needs HARD LIQOUR to numb himselves to sleep.

People who drink a glass of wine every other weekend for recreation at a party are quite different from people needing a large peg of J**K D*****S each night to numb the NOISES in their head..I feel very very bad that he has an alcohol habit now..MY DEAREST BABY that once refused alcohol with conviction , NOW NEEDS it each night....HARD LIQOUR is bad....:(((

The saddest part is ,my worst concerns about the health issues that might arise by partaking of j**k d****s in the night have actually come true.At this point it is not an "I TOLD YOU SO,NOW SEE WHAT HAPPENNED!!" moment for me at all.It is a moment of anger and utter helplessness that I could NOT HELP HIM PREVENT IT ALL inspite of all the emails I wrote to him prior to the health issue arising, asking him to stop drinking.

Ironically,at one point in the past(prolly as recent as just five years ago),this is the very same man, MAKING FUN OF ALCOHOLISM...He used to say something akin to " Alcoholism constantly involves needing to drink LIQUIDS OVER AND OVER.Who wants to keep drinking glassfulls of liquid substance over and over to feel better?I am not that great on drinking liquids anyways."
WhatThe F**K!!...THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING NOW.When the f**k did such a man who made fun of alcoholism suddenly become dependant on alcohol?NOT THAT HE IS DRINKING GLASSES AND GLASSES,but then, at this given point in life,he NEEDS a glass or two each night to unwind and be able to sleep
.I LOST MY MAN TO THE GLASS.PCCCH.I hate that.I am have NEVER DRUNK alcohol in my life and I don't plan to be with any man who drinks,Which automatically disqualifies,come on!!

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