you see conservation is each time you conserve water, you help the environment stay that much more balanced..
You might be surprised to know that not wasting food does the same.
You see, eat only that much that makes you feel just full..slightly satisfied and yes,, cook only small enough portion that will get eaten up fully at each meal..that way you don't waste good to eat food in the garbage..
Like they say.. each penny saved is equal to each penny earned
Each plant uses up some nutrients of the soil to grow grains.. and it uses to energy to do so .. so at the end of the day..if you waste that grain .. essentially.. as in cook more grain that you will eat that day and then wait for it to rot and then throw it back in the soil.. well.. the nutrients in the grain do get recyled but then the energy that the plant used to process those nutrients into grains and fruts is still nevertheless lost.
So yes,, cook only as much as you can eat and don't overeat just coz you don't want to waste either..coz afterall being obese is a burden on your heart which then starts wasting energy carrying around your heavy body around..yeah?
get the point?
don't waste food and save the environment.
there are also other meanings of not wasting food..I always say.. don't peel anything unless absolutely necessary.. we are perfectly equipped to digest peels.. so yes.. unless it is a pineapple or jackfruit..please dont peel them
eat the potatoes with peels, eat the tomatoes with peels , eat the aubergines with peels, eat the apples and pears with peels..Only make sure you throughly wash them before eating..
yes, the onions you might want to peel..but make sure put the onions peels back into your compost pit or the kitchen garden soil..that is effective organic recycling too.
love you all..dont waste food.